From Jay Patel:
I tried running conductor with postgresql (conductor/docker/docker-compose-postgres-es7.yaml at main · conductor-oss/conductor · GitHub).
But the conductor container image keeps exiting with error :
2024-10-23 23:17:02 29270 [main] INFO com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource [] - HikariPool-1 - Starting...
2024-10-23 23:17:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-10-23 23:17:03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
2024-10-23 23:17:03 SQL State : 08001
2024-10-23 23:17:03 Error Code : 0
2024-10-23 23:17:03 Message : The connection attempt failed.
Can someone give insight into why this might be happening ?
The postgresql container is running and i am able to connect to it using pgadmin tool.